NOMADsignal and Nastya Mendus release ‘Shchedryk’
NOMADsignal and Nastya Mendus - Shchedryk (Artwork)
NOMADsignal teams up with Ukrainian Singer-Songwriter Nastya Mendus for their new version of the traditional Ukrainian Spring ritual song “Shchedryk.” You may recognize the melody from the Americanized “Carol Of The Bells.” However, most people don’t realize that this song has pre-Christian roots and comes from Ukraine. It is a traditional Ukrainian ritual song sung in the spring: in March, when the swallows are returning home. Now you know a little bit more about the history of this song. Thank you for listening and please enjoy listening to NOMADsignal and Nastya Mendus’ new version of "Shchedryk."
NOMADsignal об'єднався з українською співачкою Настею Мендусь, щоб створити нову версію традиційної української весняної обрядової пісні "Щедрик". Насолоджуйтесь і дякуємо за прослуховування.
Follow Nastya Mendus on Instagram here and on YouTube here.
Listen to Shchedryk on your favorite streaming platform here.
Listen to Shchedryk on YouTube here.