By becoming a subscribing member of The NOMADsignal Club, you are helping to fund new records, research, production, artwork, graphic visualizers, music videos, studio equipment, and collaboration.
Inside, you'll get access to new music and exclusive artwork and get behind-the-scenes looks at the process, along with opportunities to earn exclusive merchandise.*
Fund new NOMADsignal projects and, in return, get access to exclusive content, see behind-the-scenes, gain public recognition and year-end rewards, and win exclusive merchandise.
Choose Your Plan:
Gold Yearly
$285 Per Year
This includes:
Access The Library (a continuously updated, large stream-able playlist of exclusive new songs)
Access the Album Series
8 new exclusive songs per year
Exclusive artworks
Behind-the-scenes videos
Exclusive graphic visualizers
NOMADsignal comics (digital)
Physical Rewards:
Printed comic book (yearly)
Signed CD (yearly)
Signed poster (yearly)
Name listed in credits section of CD and website (yearly)
Access to content before anywhere else in the world
Chance to win merchandise (clothing, etc.) (yearly)
10% discount (compared to subscribing monthly)
$23 Per Month
This includes:
Access The Library (a continuously updated, large stream-able playlist of exclusive new songs)
Access the Album Series
8 new exclusive songs per year
Exclusive artworks
Behind-the-scenes videos
Exclusive graphic visualizers
NOMADsignal comics (digital)
Access to content before anywhere else in the world
$9 Per Month
This includes:
Access The Library (a continuously updated, large stream-able playlist of exclusive new songs)
Access to Artificial, the album
Access to content before anywhere else in the world
From Our Members:
“I love the accessibility to exclusive content.”
“The exclusive access to NOMADsignal’s Album Series as well as to “The Library” is definitely worth the price of admission. 😎”
“Love being able to help support artists to pursue their passions. In addition, love the interaction and behind-the-scenes look into the music production.”
Already a member?
*By subscribing, you agree to abide by our Terms of Service and accept our Privacy Policy.